I'm in a rut!!!
I've been really mia recently! I'm so sorry! Life has just gotten the better of me recently! Not quite sure what it is. Think I'm just having one of those months. The ones where you just want to stay in bed all day eat crappy food and watching Dirty Dancing a 100 times..
I've been lacking inspiration and having writers block! (A very weird feelings considering I always have something to say)
Given we have decided to put our life and passions into this blog! I didn't see the point in hiding anything from anyone! I mean we all have times in our life where we just don't have energy to actually do life... Don't we?
Hopefully for me this is the end of my little rut! I mean Christmas is coming up and I've got to be excited for that right!
Anyway! I'm gonna go and try and brainstorm some ideas for some awesome posts for you guys! Any ideas feel free to share them with me!!
Love Always, Steph