Mummy Monday
Hi guys!
So as you know I have a adorable 18 month old Lexie. But what comes along with having a baby? Teeth!
Teething can be hard on both mum and bub especially when it really hurts bub so today we are going to go over some basics and great tips and tricks to help your bub get threw the hard time.
When your baby’s first tooth shows you might be a bit shocked or you might just finally understand all those little signs that teeth might be coming soon!
Every baby’s experience is very different, Lexie had absolutely no signs when she was younger but now that she’s getting older them teeth are starting to give her hell. But like I said all baby’s have different experiences some have teething pain for months while others drool, wake up a lot during the night and even just want to snuggle up with mummy, which lets face it every mummy loves and good snuggle off there little one.
Common Teething Symptoms
1. Drooling. Its hard to believe how much fluid can come out of such a tiny baby’s mouth, but teething stimulates drooling and this particular water works starts from as early as 10 weeks old! If you find that your baby's shirt is completely drenched in drool put a bib on your little one and gently wipe there chin to avoid chapping.
2. Teething rash. If your baby is drooling a lot it may cause chafing, chapping and redness around the mouth and chin (and even on there neck). Wiping away the drool will prevent the rash as much as possible. You could also use some Vaseline or unscented nappy rash cream to create a moisture barrier.
3. Biting. Pressure from those teeth poking threw the gums can cause a bit of discomfort in your little one and that discomfort can be relieved by counter pressure or known as biting! Teething babys will gum the hell out of whatever they can find. Teething rings, rattles, teething necklaces and fingers can relieve a lot of the pain.
4. Crying. Some babies breeze through teething with as little as a whimper while others suffer from a big amount of pain due to the tender gums which they feel compelled to tell you why crying. The first teeth and molars usually hurt a lot as they are the bigger. Most babies get used to the pain and aren’t quite as bothered later on. Talk to your doctor as they will offer some pain relievers.
The Best Teething Remedies
1. Chewing. Teething babies love to chew and will chew anything to try and relieve the pain but teething rings/necklaces, rattles and other teething toys will really help. Chewing is even more effective if the teething ring is cold so chuck it in the fridge for a little bit to chill it down. Try to avoid the freezer as it might be too cold for your little one.
2. Cold drinks. A bottle of icy cold water can bring some relief baby as long as they are over 6 months old as that’s when water can be introduced.
3. Pain relief. You can pick up some pain relief from your local chemist. There are many different products but my favourite ones to use for my little one are:
Brauer Baby & Child teething relief which costs $10.95
Nurofen For children and baby 3month+ which cost $19.99
I suggest talking to your doctor first to see what they will recommend.
Alright guys I hope this helped to ease your worrying mind and help out with your little ones, if you have any suggestions on what you would like to see on the next mummy Monday don’t be afrid and send us a suggestion. -J