Mummy Monday
Hi guys, Welcome to my first ever mummy Monday! Today I'm excited to talk about my experience with labour and motherhood so far and you'll get to know a little bit about my daughter that you will meet further on down the line, So to start off my daughters name is Lexie or Lex for short she is absolutely adorable and nearly 18 months old.
She was a massive 8 pound 8 ounces baby and hitting just at 15 kilos now. She has a slight obsession with anything you can eat or drink. She's quite tall and comes to just below my hip at the moment.
She likes all the attention to be on her and always likes to play or read books!
My labour experience wasn't how I wanted it to go but it never goes the way you plan.
My waters broke at 3 in the morning and I wasn't having any contractions so when I got to the hospital they decided to wait till 7 in the morning to see if my contractions had started which they had not so they induced me instead. I was then in labour for 13 hours after that and she had not moved the slightest. I used numerous different pain relief as most my contractions were in my back.
I had sterile water injections, a tens machine, gas and then I didn't have a choice but to get the epidural as I had to have a c-section.
My experience with a c-section was not very nice I was very sick and Ill the days after it and had numerous blood transfusions as I lost a lot of blood and I wasn't even aloud to hold my daughter so by the 3rd day early in the morning I was finally aloud to hold her for the first time and you never really realise how much love you can have for such a tiny baby even though she wasn't even that tiny haha.
Once we were home we got into a good cycle of living with a baby and for the first 5 weeks she slept in her bassinet in our room and then she was in her own bed and we had our baby monitor watching her.
She always fed really well and her weight gain was always massive and she was definitely a daddy's girl especially when he got home from work she never wanted him to leave her sight wherever he went she went with him.
When she was about 6 months old myself and her father broke up and it was very hard on me as I had to move back home with my parents. (Shout out to mum for having me back!)
It's still hard on me as I have her 6 days out of the 7 but I wouldn't know what to do without my human alarm in the morning who smiles and giggles at me and yells mum till I get her out of bed.
We still have our bad days when I just want to sleep or she is just a grumpy bum when her teeth give her hell but I love her dearly and she's my best friend who I'm still trying to convince to love shopping as much as me but that's my experience with labour and motherhood so far and if you have an further questions about my labour or Lexie don't be afraid to ask and I'd love to hear your stories as well.
Much love -j and lex.